
Hehascreatedhitsongsandaward-winninggoldandplatinumalbumsforadiversearrayofartistsincludingBarbraStreisand,CelineDion,WhitneyHouston, ...,Hismusiccareerspansmorethanfivedecades,beginningintheearly1970sasakeyboardistforthepopgroupSkylark,beforefocusinglargelyoncomposingand ...,FosterthenreturnedtoPennsylvaniaandwrotemostofhisbest-knownsongs:CamptownRaces(1850),NellyBly(1850),RingdeBanjo(1851),O...


He has created hit songs and award-winning gold and platinum albums for a diverse array of artists including Barbra Streisand, Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, ...

David Foster

His music career spans more than five decades, beginning in the early 1970s as a keyboardist for the pop group Skylark, before focusing largely on composing and ...

Stephen Foster

Foster then returned to Pennsylvania and wrote most of his best-known songs: Camptown Races (1850), Nelly Bly (1850), Ring de Banjo (1851), Old Folks at ...

Foster & Foster Music

Award winning, independent music production company. We create and source music for commercials, film and live experiences.

創作人:David Foster

最有名的莫過於惠妮休斯頓的〈I Will Always Love You〉,Foster 讓原曲的民謠氣質蛻變為抒情高昂的靈魂樂風格,再結合歌手細膩的嗓音一舉唱響,且讓收錄這首歌的電影《 ...

David Foster:創作人

David Foster:創作人 ... 加拿大資深製作人David Foster 活躍於西洋樂壇已逾半世紀,這位被譽為「西洋音樂教父」的金牌創作人,是許多樂壇巨星重要的幕後推手。


Play foster on SoundCloud and discover followers on SoundCloud | Stream tracks ... Total Music Movement. 846.7K. 3:23. 11y. User comments. See all · on stars (w ...

吹奏楽・アンサンブルの楽譜通販 - トップページ

吹奏楽、アンサンブルの楽譜をはじめ、参考音源CD/DVDなど日本最大級の品揃え。コンクール自由曲や演奏会の選曲に便利な楽譜閲覧・試聴あり。お探しの編成、グレード、 ...